In the last 15 years, the digital revolution has thoroughly modified the way in which cultural assets are produced and distributed. Music was probably the first industry affected, but the impact has now reached all sectors, and in particular the book world. Indeed, e-books, audio books, print on demand, virtual stores and the expansion of [...]
Digital Publishing in the Developing World: Imitation or Autonomous Evolution?
A matter of enormous significance
The development of electronic publishing in the South proves therefore to be a topic that is in itself worthy of discussion in global forums. But, more importantly still, it constitutes an absolutely vital issue for developing countries themselves. On the one hand, according to the observations of the main actors involved, many of the typical [...]
Having recognized the significance of analyzing digital publishing in developing countries, it is necessary to point out that a study of this nature inevitably faces numerous obstacles. Firstly, the digital publishing projects already under way in developing countries – some of which have had a great impact on their societies – have not yet been sufficiently promoted [...]
The above-mentioned elements have led us to outline a heterodox and pragmatic approach on all levels. First of all, with regard to information, we have made use of a variety of sources. As soon as the research study got under way in October 2010, we distributed an online questionnaire that served as a preliminary survey: [...]